14 bliadhna de eòlas cinneasachaidh
Dèan seilbh air 2 lus ceimigeach
Air a dhol seachad air Siostam Càileachd ISO 9001: 2015

SOLVENT VIOLET 13 CAS 81-48-1 11092violet

  • CAS:81-48-1
  • MF:C21H15 NO3
  • MW:329.35
  • Àireamh EINECS:201-353-5
  • Co-fhaclan:MURASAKI201; DISPERSE GORM 165:5; 1-HYDROXY-4-(PARA-TOLUIDINO)ANTHRAQUINONE; 1-hydroxy-4-[(4-methylphenyl)amino]anthracene-9,10-dione; Solvent violet 13 (CI 60725); 1-hydroxy-4- (4-methylanilino) -9,10-anthraquinone; 1-hydroxy-4- (4-methylanilino) anthracene-9,10-dione; BORONAL (1-HYDROXY-4-(PARA-TOLUIDINO)ANTHRAQUINONE); RRL; WAXOLINE PURPLE A; 1-HYDROXY-4-P-TOLUIDINOANTHRAQUINONE; 1-hydroxy-4-[(4-methylphenyl) amino] -9,10-anthracenedione; CALCO OIL VIOLET ZIRS; D AND C VIOLET 2; D AND C VIOLET NO 2; THERMOPLAST GORM 684; OIL VIOLET IRS
  • Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

    Luchdaich sìos

    Bathar Tags

    Na th’annSOLVENT VIOLET 13?

    Is e pùdar purpaidh-dubh a th 'ann an Solvent Violet 13 ann an coltas, neo-sholabailte ann an uisge, soluble ann an solventan organach leithid benzene, clorobenzene, xylene, DMF, msaa. .


    CAS 81-48-1
    Ainmean Eile 11092 fiolet
    EINECS 201-353-5
    Coltas Pùdar dubh purpaidh
    Purity 99%
    Dath Dubh purpaidh
    Stòradh Stòradh fionnar tioram
    Pacaid 25kgs / poca
    Iarrtas aodach snìomh nylon snìomh


    Faodar fuasgladh violet 13 a chleachdadh airson dath a dhèanamh air diofar phlastaig roisinn, leithid roisinn polyacrylic, roisinn ABS, polystyrene, plexiglass, roisinn polyester, polycarbonate, msaa, gus solas dearg is gorm fhaighinn; tha neart teas sàr-mhath aige, luaths aotrom Neart dathaidh math, follaiseachd àrd agus raon tagraidh farsaing.



    25kgs / druma, 9tons / 20'container





    Faclan-luirg co-cheangailte

    SOLVENT VIOLET 13; alizurine purpaidh ss; ALIZUROL PURPLE SS; ALIZARIN PURPLE SS; 5 DEARBH-BHEACHD BLAR 5 ; 79 200%DISPERSE BLUE 79 200%; EXSF 300 DISPERSE BLUE EXSF 300; 164 BLAR DHIANACH 164 ; MIXTURE BLUE DISPERESE; DISP BLUE 2BLN; 2BLN DISPERSE BLUE 2BLN; 56 100% DISPERSE BLUE 56 100%; 79 GORM-79; 177 BLAR DHIANACH 177 S ; 214 BLAR DHOMHNULLACH 214 ; 56 DISPERSE BLUE 56 100%; 79 DIOMPACHADH BLAR 79 ; 21 DISPERSE BLUE 21 133%; EXSF BLUE EXSF 300; 60 BLAR DHOMHNULLACH-60 ; EXSF DISPERSE BLUE EXSF; 1-Hydroxy-4-p-toluid; Hydroxy-4-p-toluidinoanthraqui; Cuinizarin gormB; HPTA, Solvent violet 13; 1-Hydroxy-4- (p-tolylamino) anthracene-9,10-dione; RRL BORONAL (1-HYDROXY-4-(PARA-TOLUIDINO) ANTHRAQUINONE) Ola violet 401 Violet solvent 13 Flùraichean follaiseach fòirneartach B 1-hydroxy-4- (p-toluidino) - anthraquinon 1-hydroxy-4- ((4-methylphenyl) ) amino) -9,10-anthracenedione; 10-Anthracenedione, 1-hydroxy-4- (4-methylphenyl) amino-9l; 11092 fiolet; 1-hydroxy-4-((4-methylphenyl) amino)-10-anthracenedione; 1-hydroxy-4-(p-toluidino)-anthraquinon; 1-Hydroxy-4-(p-toluido) anthraquinone; 1-hydroxy-4-[(4-methylphenyl) amino] -10-anthracenedione; 1-hydroxy-4-p-toluidino-anthraquinon; 9,10-Anthracenedione, 1-hydroxy-4- (4-methylphenyl) amino-; abcoloilvioletirs; ahcoquinoneblueirbase; alizarineirisolrbase; alizarineviolet3bbase; alizurolpurple; Baqixan (Luraqix) Gorm 2BL, plexiglass, roisinn polyester, polycarbonate, msaa, gus solas dearg is gorm fhaighinn; tha neart teas sàr-mhath aige, luaths aotrom Neart dathaidh math, follaiseachd àrd agus raon tagraidh farsaing.

  • Roimhe:
  • Air adhart:

  • Sgrìobh do theachdaireachd an seo agus cuir thugainn e