4-ISOPROPYL-3-METHYLLPHENOL, abbreviated as IPMP, can also be called o-Cymen-5 ol/3-Methyl-4-isopropyrphenol. Is e am foirmle moileciuil C10H14O, is e an cuideam moileciuil 150.22, agus is e an àireamh CAS 3228-02-2. Is e criostal geal a th’ ann an IPMP nach eil solubhail ann an uisge agus solubhail ann an solventan organach. It has a solubility of 36% in ethanol, 65% in methanol, 50% in isopropanol, 32% in n-butanol, and 65% in acetone. It is widely used in the cosmetics industry and can play a role in anti-corrosion and sterilization.
Tha 1.IPMP cha mhòr gun blas, agus tha an astringency tlàth aige freagarrach airson cungaidhean maise.
Tha 2.IPMP cha mhòr neo-iriosal, agus tha ìre aileirdsidh craiceann 2%.
Tha 6.IPMP gu math sàbhailte airson synthesis dhrogaichean, cungaidhean maise agus toraidhean neo-chungaidh-leigheis.
o-Cymen-5-olhas shown very strong bactericidal and antimicrobial benefits against parasitic microorganisms in pharmacological and clinical studies, such as trichophyton dermatis. Tha buannachdan airson bhìorasan influenza cuideachd air an nochdadh (200mmp).
Faodaidh 4-ISOPROPYL-3-METHYLPHENOL bacadh a chuir air oxidation agus truailleadh stuthan synthetigeach. This benefit is also associated with antibacterial effect, and can play an excellent role in the quality preservation of cosmetics that are easily degraded by oxidation, such as oily substances, fats, vitamins, perfumes and hormones. In the process of testing the antioxidant function of 3-methyl-4-isopropyl phenol, 50g of solid paraffin with a content standard of 0.01%-0.04% was added and boiled at 160℃ with oxygen for 21 hours until the peroxide content reached 50 (ùine inntrigidh: comharradh ùine dath). It was found that the probability of 3-methyl-4-isopropyl phenol delaying the oxidation time for 3 hours was 0.01%, and that for 9 hours was 0.04%.
Faodar 4-ISOPROPYL-3-METHYLPHENOL a chleachdadh mar stuth-gleidhidh ann an uachdar aghaidh, lipsticks agus toraidhean cùram fuilt.
Faodar 4-ISOPROPYL-3-METHYLPHENOL a chleachdadh gus casg a chuir air galairean craiceann air adhbhrachadh le bacteria no fungasan, gus am beul a dhì-ghalarachadh agus an anus a dhì-ghalarachadh.
Cleachdadh gnìomhachais:
Nuair a3-methyl-4-isopropyl phenol
Tha sinn nar saothraiche proifeasanta de IPMP, ma tha feumalachdan sam bith agad, faodaidh tu fios a chuir thugainn gu dìreach.
Ùine puist: Samhain-24-2023